Family & Divorce
We have developed a strong reputation for quality through our ability to achieve excellent results for our clients.
Our family lawyers can help you navigate your way through challenging circumstances in the following areas:
- Property & Financial Disputes
- Property & Financial Settlements
- Parenting Disputes
- Parenting Arrangements
- De facto Relationships
- International Parental Child Abduction (Hague Convention)
- International Family Law & Children
- International Child Protection Convention (Enforcement measures for the protection of children in cross-border situations)
- Wills & Family Provisions
- Child Support
- Spousal Maintenance
- Divorce proceedings
- Property Consent Orders
- Settling cases without court intervention
- Binding Financial Agreement
31 Oct 2020
What is International Parental Child Abduction (“IPCA”) ICPA occurs when a parent or guardian removes their child to foreign country
07 Dec 2020
Seek marriage counselling services (only for matters involving children).Gather all your legal & financial documents (birth & marriage cert, bank stmts, investment docs, tax returns etc…).